Become a Member
of our THI New Leaders!

Join us and Network with a Purpose!

The Hellenic Initiative (THI) New Leaders are an international group of like-minded professionals under 45 years of age who actively believe in investing in the future of Greece through direct philanthropy and economic revitalization. New Leaders are Greeks and Philhellenes of the Diaspora who are passionate about working together (Oli Mazi) to fundraise, donate their time, resources, skills and expertise in helping to build a better future for Hellas.

Membership benefits include:

  • Joining an international network of philanthropic leaders.
  • Partnering with a quality organization and dedicated staff; ensuring that gifts, voice, and time are efficiently invested in Greece to maximize impact.
  • New Leader members are invited to attend national and worldwide gatherings of The Hellenic Initiative.
  • Priority access to all events.
  • Listing in our Annual Report.

    TO JOIN:

Read the information on our Membership Form below and make a donation for your preferred Membership level directly on this page.


Download our New Leaders Membership Form here.