MDA Hellas‘ Heroic Efforts Strengthened Since 2015 by THI’s $139,000 Grant And Support

MDA Hellas‘ Heroic Efforts Strengthened Since 2015 by THI’s $139,000 Grant And Support

The heroic efforts of Muscular Dystrophy Association Hellas – MDA Hellas – to take care of patients suffering from rare neuromuscular diseases has received a significant boost from The Hellenic Initiative (THI). The successful and productive collaboration between MDA Hellas and THI the past four years has reinforced the organization’s demanding humanitarian work as THI’s contribution helps the organization both cover its operational costs and provide equipment necessary to offer patients a substantially higher quality of life.

During these four years of cooperation, THI has granted MDA Hellas $139,000 in total. THI’s grants have enabled MDA Hellas to provide both medical services by a wide range of medical specialists, including phycologists, neurologists, cardiologists, and speech therapists, as well as consultation and support to over 1500 beneficiaries.

MDA Hellas offers to the organization’s members a variety of examinations by dedicated teams of physicians with a holistic patient overview and who provide fully updated medical records and consistent monitoring.

MDA Hellas was founded in 2000, and throughout its 19-year operation has established three fully-equipped Special Neuromuscular Disease Units in public hospitals in Athens, Thessaloniki, and Patras. The Special Neuromuscular Disease Unit at the University General Hospital of Thessaloniki (AHEPA) was founded in 2007 and it has been supported by THI since 2015. It is the only medical unit focusing on the care of patients in Northern Greece, Thrace, Epirus, and Thessaly.


Harry Wilson, THI Executive Committee Member said, “MDA Hellas’s efforts help patients heal and assist families overcoming circumstances that can be heartbreaking. THI is honored to be able to do anything we can to support the organization and give hope to patients and their loved ones.”

Michael Printzos, THI’s Program Director, stated: “Neuromuscular diseases require both specific healthcare facilities and special physicians’ staff, as the patients who suffer from them face severe difficulties in their daily life such as reduced mobility. MDA is the only organization in Greece which provides patients with such a special and personalized treatment. We are very proud of supporting this unique and exemplary organization as it gives hope and power to our fellow human beings and their families by helping them keep up the fight for a better life.”

Vana Lavida, President and Founder of MDA Hellas stated: “THI’s grants and its continuous support to our work are vital for our organization, as they cover the essential needs of the Neuromuscular Diseases Unit at AHEPA. This Unit serves both minors and adult patients and its proper operation is crucial for our members and their families in the wider area of Northern Greece.”


MDA Hellas‘ Heroic Efforts Strengthened Since 2015 by THI’s $139,000 Grant And Support

MDA Hellas‘ Heroic Efforts Strengthened Since 2015 by THI’s $139,000 Grant And Support
